As I see there is a “keywords” field in articles metadata which author can fill out. But these keywords are not displaying in the published articles front end. Nor in the html code or generated bibtex reference. Is it supposed to be so?
Hi again.
So is there a possibility to display article keywords and references in article front page like in ojs2. Its very important issue for us because it influences on journal inclusion to databases as scopus, google scholar etc.
This items are not displaying despite inclusion all information in article metadata keywords and references fields.
For inclusion in Google Scholar, etc, it is more important for the keywords to be accurately reflected in the meta tags than in the page content. There is a known issue relating to the meta tags here:
Hi Vitaliy,
Thank you for this topic. The keywords are neither shown on the article page, nor they are part of metadata (each keyword should be included into something like “citation_keywords” or “DC.subject” metatags).
So I’ve found these issues related to the keywords functionality:
The keyword fields are not labeled according to their locales (in multilingual journals)
Creation of a new keyword is triggered by ENTER or the comma sign (“,”). But the latter is not bound to the same key in different keyboard layouts. For example, in the Russian layout there is a “б” character instead of the comma, so every time I enter “б”, a new keyword is created
The keywords entered are not included as metadata (DC/GS).
The keywords cannot be displayed on the article page.
Hi! Since it is really important, I’ve created an issue here: Issues with input and display of keywords · Issue #1828 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Is it OK? Sorry, if it is not.
Hi @Ph_We,
Yup, that’s fine! I’ve already passed this post along to a developer.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
If this problem is solved, would we be able to refresh metadata for all our articles (pages) somehow, so that all metadata will appear in the HTML-header with keywords included?
Or should we rather wait for OJS 3.0.1 before transferring our journals to this platform?
In other words, are metadata (DC/GS) supposed to refresh when we modify them?
Hi @Ph_We,
If you’re referring to the fact that keywords aren’t displayed on the article view page – that should be fairly easy to correct, and since the data will already be in your database, the change will result in existing data being presented without problems. No need to wait for e.g. OJS 3.0.1.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
And as for references? Are you planning to add them in you next OJS version to article front page too?
I just upgraded to OJS 3.0.1, but keywords still do not appear on article page. The same with References. How to fix this?
What is more important is that they are still not included into DC/GS metadata…
Hi @Ph_We!
You are right, and this and other issues making me doubt of using of OJS 3 at this moment. I am afraid that if I will upload now all our articles (even without Quick Submit plugin, what will be hard enough), then I probably will lost my work when will upgrade to OJS 3.X. So, I do not know what to do, wait for fixed version of OJS or to start workin today with such risk.
By the way, which metatags I should enter as custom metatags in OJS 3? Can you provide any example of correct meta tags? Because I never payed an attention for this before. Thanks in advance!
Hi @novikoffav,
No, you are not going to loose any data because of an upgrade. You can always check what kind of your metadata is stored in the OJS database by going to your issues/articles and choosing “Metadata” in your back-end. The thing is some metadata will not be displayed anywhere on the journal pages.
You also do not need to enter any metatags, Those are generated automatically for each article (page). You can see them by choosing ‘View page source’ in your browser. They will look like <meta name=“DC.Creator.PersonalName” content=" etc.
Is there any progress in displaying keywords on article page? Any development available on on GitHub?
Hi @hannanhazari,
The best way to stay up to date on this is to sign up for notifications on the github issue linked above.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
I encountered this keywords problem, studying the mysql database I noticed that, if I write the words in the “subject” line of the “submission_settings” table, then with the code “{$article->getLocalizedSubject() | escape}” it show the keywords, but the problem is that if I am acting on the metadata in the administration area it does not add data to the database. I hope that i have explained well…
Thanks for support
Hi @Tiziano,
Where do you add that code or what changes have you done?
I would like to try your suggestion, the display of keywords is important for us too. But I don’t get what you said after…if you insert directly in the setting_name “subject” in the submissions_settings, why do you say that it won’t add data to the database if it is a direct insertion?
Sorry if i’m being more confusing.
Thank you,
Best regards
Hi @digitojs so, i try explain better
while i was customizing the article page, this “article_details.tpl”, this code:
{* Article Subject *}
{if $article->getLocalizedSubject()}
<div class="panel panel-default subject">
<div class="panel-heading">
{translate key="article.subject"}
<div class="panel-body">
can show the subject/keywords words on the article’s page, now, if you search where the take the input on Mysql database, you can find it under “submission_settings” table, under “setting_name” column, to the voice “subject”. If you write every word you want in the “setting_value” field, Those words will appear on the page of the article.
Ok, but, if I insert the keywords in the metadata area of an article they will not be written to the database and consequently they will never be seen, and that’s i do not know why…