Hi! When a Journal manager or Editor tries to submit an article (using the Submit or Quick Submit procedure) she has to enter the author’s data every time even if the author is registered as a user and/or has already submitted some articles.
The question is whether it is possible to somehow choose the contributor from the list of registered ones? Or if it is not possible, how could we ensure the contributor would be always the same entity in the database, no matter how often we enter his/her name, e-mail, etc.?
E.g. If the Journal manager adds some Contributor, and then the Editor enters the same data (name, e-mail) for another article PLUS some additional data (ORCID, affiliation, bio), would the latter be synchronized for this certain contributor?
Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment i.e. the authors data are separated from the users data. Also, we used the names, e-mails and affiliations (maybe even the country) to identify the same authors in OJS 2.4.x (I am not sure if this is still so in OJS 3.x but I think so). Thus, at the moment the editors would have to try to keep the data consistently, although this could also be ‘wrong’ (because, for example, the author affiliation could change). Thus, we are aware of the problem, ant it is not so easy to solve it, but we will work on that (currently having the idea to maybe rely on IDs like ORCID)…
This remains an issue at my institution. We are in the process of using the QuickSubmit plugin to upload large back catalogs of paper issues to journals now on OJS. Many of these have multiple columns that were consistently written by the same two or three authors, and the need to constantly reenter all their information is both time-consuming in the workflow and a needless opening for errors in metadata.
Has there been any development on this since the issue was last raised?