Need help. Co authors receiving an empty email when submission is done. Please help.
Hi @rshazrin,
Was this an upgraded installation, or a fresh install?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher,
Yes. It is a fresh installation. I also found that the notification emails are sent to the author in multiples (of the number of authors in the manuscript) on the decision.
Hi @rshazrin,
Try adding this change to your installation. Then, for existing journals, you’ll have to manually create the email template in the email listing in setup. That should correct the issue with blank emails.
For the message duplicates – is this the SUBMISSION_ACK
email? You can check by going into setup and looking at the body of that email to compare.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
HI, I am not a programmer. And have the same problem. Can those empty emails just be turned off and simplier way then changing in the codes?
Hi @dalias,
For existing journals, you can go to the Prepared Emails interface in Setup and manually create a template with key SUBMISSION_ACK_NOT_USER
. Use the body text and subject from the link above (customizing them as you wish).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher the link in this post function in ojs
Searching in locale/el_GR/ i don´t find the file emailTemplates.xml (or in any path of language).
I found the file emails.po in this file the next line:
This is the file i have to add this lines?:
<email_text key=“SUBMISSION_ACK_NOT_USER”>
Submission Acknowledgement
{$submitterName} has submitted the manuscript, "{$submissionTitle}" to {$contextName}.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for considering this press as a venue for your work.
This email, when enabled, is automatically sent to the other authors who are not users within OMP specified during the submission process.