OJS upgrade from to


We would like to upgrade the OJS from to highest version so before we upgrade would like to follow step by step to upgrade process with the following requirements.

Step by Step process to upgrade:
From To Description
< 2.4.8 2.4.8-x Before upgrading to 3.x, make sure you are upgraded to the latest 2.4.8-x build.
2.4.8-x 3.2.1-x You can not upgrade to 3.3.x or later from 2.x
3.2.1-x 3.3 >= Upgrade from 3.2.1-x to any version 3.3 or later.

System Requirement for installing OJS

  • PHP 5.X highest build
    *MySql 5.X highest build
    *OS platform Linux

Please confirm Iā€™m going with the correct process?

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Yes, you are.

You will also need to take in consideration this:


Supplementary files will be visible or invisible to readers depending on the destination version:

  • If you want to make them visible, make a pit-stop at 3.1.2-4 (and then jump to 3.3 LTS or whatever).
  • If you want to keep hide them, upgrade to version 3.2.1-6 (or stable-3.2).



While upgrading from to we are facing following error.

[jattjournal@node6480 tools]$ php upgrade.php check
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
Database version is older than code version
Run ā€œupgrade.php upgradeā€ to update
[jattjournal@node6480 tools]$ php upgrade.php upgrade
[load: upgrade.xml]
[schema: lib/pkp/xml/schema/signoff.xml]
[data: dbscripts/xml/upgrade/2.4.3_preupdate_usageStatistics.xml]
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: Table ā€˜article_galleys_stats_migrationā€™ already exists

screenshot for reference.

Hi @ischolar

This table only exists during the upgrade, it shouldnā€™t exist when you start a new one.

If there was a previous failed upgrade attempt, first replace with a healthy base, with no additional tables or tables modified by an upgrade process.

Hello Abadan,

while upgrading the OJS version from to but we are facing the following error.

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1824 Failed to open the referenced table ā€˜submission_filesā€™ (SQL: alter table review_round_files add constraint review_round_files_submission_file_id_foreign foreign key (submission_file_id) references submission_files (submission_file_id))

we have rectified the above trail error and found the other following error.

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ā€˜urlā€™ in ā€˜field listā€™ (SQL: select url, navigation_menu_item_id from navigation_menu_items where context_id = 289)

we are facing issue ordering, not able to order the issue, below is the error

[11-Aug-2023 08:20:03 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ā€˜9756ā€™ for key ā€˜custom_issue_orders.custom_issue_orders_pkeyā€™ in /home/installationname/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOStatement.php:119


Hello ,

We have upgraded the OJS version successfully but administration page is not opening with admin login. Its getting error : DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

error log: PHP Warning: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session moduleā€™s ini settings at this time in /lib/pkp/classes/session/SessionManager.inc.php on line 71