One of our reviewers have a problem, because the system redirects to the login page. He writes me the following:
“I have logged in once again, changed my password. Though succeeded in logging in I could not download the manuscripts sent to me for review. Each time I tried that it brings me back to the home page to re log. That was the problem I initially encountered. Was there something I was doing wrong? Or could it be your site?”
We use OJS Can you help us to resolve this problem?
This sounds like either a cookie-related issue, or something to do with one-click review URLs.
Try disabling session_check_ip in to see if it’s possible that his IP address is varying, causing the session to be invalidated.
For one-click review URLs, I would suggest upgrading to the latest OJS 2.4.x release – OJS 2.4.6 is an older release and it’s possible that there was an issue that is already corrected.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Before I put the question to the PKP forum, I suggested to the reviewer to login on OJS using Mozilla Firefox. He used Firefox and announced that it works. Obviously, there are problems with Chrome.