I am new with OJS software and I am having problems.
I installed the software but then I’m not able to set to payments trough the website. When I read the manual, I see there is no correspondence from what I see on the website and what it is written on the manual. Please, can you help me?
Hi Israel. I’m trying to help Anita with this problem. I see people with this OJS 3.1 software installed have the same look (dark blue); and I see the instruction manual shows a beige/cream/yellow look. However, there is no “Payments” option on the blue section.
If we look at this bug report, we see that there IS a payments option
BUT … going to the paypal link below about REST APIs doesnt seem to help. How do we turn on or otherwise activate the “payment” button?
Hi Israel. OK it has gotten much worse. I tried to upgrade to the latest version and now it won’t install. I even deleted the software and the database entirely. If I go to the site it now says:
DB Error: Table ‘ojs.journals’ doesn’t exist
But I already did this:
create database ojs;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
grant all on ojs.* to ‘ojs_issa’;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
so why is it trying to read pre-existing tables if I am installing from scratch?