OJS problems updating from to 3.3.0-10 LTS [POSTGRESQL]


I am testing updating my OJS version to the latest available today.
From to 3.3.0-10
I encountered some data consistency issues:

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: column “assoc_id” of relation “email_log” contains null values (SQL: ALTER TABLE email_log ALTER assoc_id SET NOT NULL)


ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: column “publication_id” of relation “authors” contains null values (SQL: ALTER TABLE authors ALTER publication_id SET NOT NULL)

For testing purposes, I deleted all records that were in these cases, using the command:

delete from email_log where assoc_id is null;
delete from authors where publication_id is null;

But now I have the following error:

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 7 number of parameters must be between 0 and 65535 (SQL: select “locale”, “submission_id” from “publications” where “publication_id” in ([…]))

Here we use postgresql, I believe it is one of the biggest installations that use postgresql as a database.

Could anyone help me with this error?

Tarcisio Pereira.


Does anyone have any ideas?

Tarcisio Pereira


I’m testing updating to 3.3.0-12.
Same problems.

For testing porpses I done this:

126 $chunked_PublicationIds = array_chunk($currentPublicationIds,65000,true);
127 foreach ($chunked_PublicationIds as $publicationIds_chunk){
129 $submissionLocales = Capsule::table(‘publications’)
130 ->whereIn(‘publication_id’, $publicationIds_chunk)
131 ->pluck(‘locale’, ‘submission_id’);
132 foreach ($submissionLocales as $submissionId => $locale) {
133 Capsule::table(‘submissions as s’)
134 ->where(‘s.submission_id’, ‘=’, $submissionId)
135 ->update([‘locale’ => $locale]);
136 }
137 }
in file lib/pkp/classes/migration/upgrade/PKPv3_3_0UpgradeMigration.inc.php

Now I’m facing a new problem:
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[42704]: Undefined object: 7 ERROR: constraint “submission_files_pkey” of relation “submission_files” does not exist (SQL: alter table “submission_files” drop constraint “submission_files_pkey”)

Can someone please help me?

Tarcisio Pereira

Hi you all,

Ok, let’s summarize this mess.

Error 1:

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: column “assoc_id” of relation “email_log” contains null values (SQL: ALTER TABLE email_log ALTER assoc_id SET NOT NULL)

Solved by:

delete from email_log where assoc_id is null;

Error 2:

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: column “publication_id” of relation “authors” contains null values (SQL: ALTER TABLE authors ALTER publication_id SET NOT NULL)

Solved by:

delete from authors where publication_id is null;

Error 3:

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 7 number of parameters must be between 0 and 65535 (SQL: select “locale”, “submission_id” from “publications” where “publication_id” in ([…]))

Solved by editing file lib/pkp/classes/migration/upgrade/PKPv3_3_0UpgradeMigration.inc.php:

119 // pkp/pkp-lib#6057: Migrate locale property from publications to submissions
120 Capsule::schema()->table(‘submissions’, function (Blueprint $table) {
121 $table->string(‘locale’, 14)->nullable();
122 });
123 $currentPublicationIds = Capsule::table(‘submissions’)->pluck(‘current_publica tion_id’);
126 $chunked_PublicationIds = $currentPublicationIds->chunk(65000);
127 foreach ($chunked_PublicationIds as $publicationIds_chunk){
128 $submissionLocales = Capsule::table(‘publications’)
129 ->whereIn(‘publication_id’, $publicationIds_chunk)
130 ->pluck(‘locale’, ‘submission_id’);
131 foreach ($submissionLocales as $submissionId => $locale) {
132 Capsule::table(‘submissions as s’)
133 ->where(‘s.submission_id’, ‘=’, $submissionId)
134 ->update([‘locale’ => $locale]);
135 }
136 }

So the problem is in PDO.
PDO stores count of query parameters in the unsigned int, so it can’t operate more than 65535 parameters at once.

Error 4:

ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[42704]: Undefined object: 7 ERROR: constraint “submission_files_pkey” of relation “submission_files” does not exist (SQL: alter table “submission_files” drop constraint “submission_files_pkey”)

Solved by:

ALTER TABLE submission_files RENAME CONSTRAINT article_files_pkey TO submission_files_pkey;

Error 5:
Unable to alter sequence named “submission_files_file_id_seq”.
Solved by:

ALTER SEQUENCE article_files_file_id_seq RENAME TO submission_files_file_id_seq;

Error 6:
Unable to complete submission file migrations specific to OJS. Fix in query and additional DELETE statement

Solved by editing file lib/pkp/classes/migration/upgrade/PKPv3_3_0UpgradeMigration.inc.php:

185 /**
186 * Complete submission file migrations specific to OJS
187 *
188 * The main submission file migration is done in
189 * PKPv3_3_0UpgradeMigration and that migration must
190 * be run before this one.
191 */
192 private function _migrateSubmissionFiles() {
193 Capsule::schema()->table(‘publication_galleys’, function (Blueprint $table) {
194 $table->renameColumn(‘file_id’, ‘submission_file_id’);
195 });
196 Capsule::statement(‘UPDATE publication_galleys SET submission_file_id = NULL WHERE submission_file_id = 0’);
197 //Ajuste USP
198 echo(‘OrphanedIds’);
199 // pkp/pkp-lib#6616 Delete publication_galleys entries that correspond to nonexistent submission_files
200 $orphanedIds = Capsule::table(‘publication_galleys AS pg’)
201 ->leftJoin(‘submission_files AS sf’, ‘pg.submission_file_id’, ‘=’, ‘sf.file_id’)
202 ->whereNull(‘sf.file_id’)
203 ->whereNotNull(‘pg.submission_file_id’)
204 ->pluck(‘pg.submission_file_id’, ‘pg.galley_id’);
205 foreach ($orphanedIds as $galleyId => $submissionFileId) {
206 error_log(“Removing orphaned publication_galleys entry ID $galleyId with submission_file_id $submissionFileId”);
207 Capsule::table(‘publication_galleys’)->where(‘galley_id’, ‘=’, $galleyId)->delete();
208 }
210 Capsule::schema()->table(‘publication_galleys’, function (Blueprint $table) {
211 $table->bigInteger(‘submission_file_id’)->nullable()->unsigned()->change();
212 //Ajuste USP
213 Capsule::statement(‘delete from publication_galleys where submission_file_id in (select submission_file_id from publication_galleys EXCEPT (select s ubmission_file_id from submission_files));’);
214 $table->foreign(‘submission_file_id’)->references(‘submission_file_id’)->on(‘submission_files’);
215 });
216 echo(‘Cleaned OrphanedIds’);
217 }
218 }

But I’m not sure if all those fixes are safe to use.
Can someone check it?

Tarcisio Pereira



All problems still remains in version ojs-3.3.0-13.
Can someone please help me? Almost one year and no answer :pensive:

Tarcisio Pereira

Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira,

I see you’ve attempted to fix the issues by yourself. Out of curiosity, were you able to upgrade? If not, I might try to help with the remaining issues.


Hi @jonasraoni

After all the fixes it is possible to update, I updated a test version but not the real site.
My main issue is error 3. Since there is a problem with the number of records that PDO can handle in the subquery. I don’t know if the chunk I made is safe and correct.
My secondary question is whether DELETE solutions are safe on error 1 and 2.
I believe sequence renames are not a problem.

Tarcisio Pereira


The fixes for #1 and #2 are ok, if you want to inspect it better later (e.g. check if something was lost and attempt to recover), you might backup the values.

The one for #3 is also ok, even though it could be done in a more performatic way, I’ll probably create an issue to improve it and other similar scripts.

Jonas Raoni

Thanks for the feedback.
I will proceed with the upgrade.

Tarcisio Pereira

FYI I’ve created an issue in GitHub to address this problem: Error when upgrading a large installation to OJS 3.3.0 under PostgreSQL · Issue #8631 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub, thanks for reporting, we have some tests for the upgrades, but they are not handling large datasets :slight_smile:

Jonas Raoni

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Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira!

The fix has been merged. Do you still have the old installation? If yes, could you please check if it works for you?

You can see the modifications here:

Jonas Raoni

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Hi @jonasraoni

Works like a charm.

Tarcisio Pereira

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