$_this->_protocol = (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower_codesafe($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'on') ? 'http' : 'https';
to this: $_this->_protocol = (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower_codesafe($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'on') ? 'https' : 'https';
My site work fine with https.
Hmmmm… I suppose the force_ssl is always redirecting to https, thus I believe you cannot use this option and have both http and https. Did you then also use some other rewrite rules on the server to also allow http, that then lead to the infinite loop? Maybe then to use only force_login_ssl? Or always use https.
You should then have both server configurations, for example both vhosts, for http and https without any redirecting there and let OJS always redirect it to https (with force_ssl).
Hi, recently migrated my site to another server and installed ssl certificate. Unfortunately, all the previous http link cant be access and user need to put https on the link. Is it possible to redirect old http link to https?