I’am trying to import a lot of users to a new OJS 3.0.1 and today to 3.0.2 but got the same problem, after importing a test user, a blank page appears. As some changes have been made on the last release, just create a new instance of OJS with 3.0.2 and got the same behaviour.
The basic test I have made was to export a user, change the name, email and username, and try to import it again but always got the same blank page.
I then explore the source code of the page but got nothing, the results page corresponds to a link finishing by:
http:// … ojs/management/importexport/plugin/UserImportExportPlugin/import?temporaryFileId=3
I then open the Results page in another tab and get the following message:
"unable to find “name” userGroup node element. Check import XML document structure for validity. "
As this is a standard OJS without content or modifications, what is the issue there? any clues?
Yes that untranslated string could be the problem. The user > user_group_ref element has to contain a string that matches the user_group > name.
The user groups seems not to be translated in pt_PT…
I manage to import successfully the users by deleting duplicate tags regarding the group name and abbrev when they exist in two languages (pt_PT and en_EN in this case), even if not translated as they are not used but I will translate later.
On this process I found two issues:
On the Export - > didn’t export ORCID information from existing users
Hi José, I’m having the same issue. Can you walk me through the steps? I have removed everything but en_US in my XML file but I’m still getting the same error. Thanks
If you export the users from your journal, this will be exported correctly, then you just need to add the user information after the tag
On this part of the user, try to match the user group (<user_group_ref>Author</user_group_ref>) with the same designation of the Group, example: <name locale="en_US">Author</name>
If you can’t manage, send an example to take a look.