OJS 3.3: emails sent with placeholders instead of data

Hello, We have never upgraded OJS journal editors facing the issue, they receive emails without the actual values, just as variables without actual data. All variables working - they show actual values in emails, except {$reviewGuidelines} - this showing as variable: {$reviewGuidelines}. Here is an example:


This regards the manuscript “{$submissionTitle},” which is under consideration by {$contextName}.

Following the review of the previous version of the manuscript, the authors have now submitted a revised version of their paper. We would appreciate it if you could help evaluate it.

Please log into the journal web site by {$responseDueDate} to indicate whether you will undertake the review or not, as well as to access the submission and to record your review and recommendation. The web site is {$contextUrl}

The review itself is due {$reviewDueDate}.

If you do not have your username and password for the journal’s web site, you can use this link to reset your password (which will then be emailed to you along with your username). {$passwordResetUrl}

Submission URL: {$submissionReviewUrl}

Thank you for considering this request.




Instruction Guidelines:


I try clear template and data cache, we have instaled two language, both are filled with data.
Can you please help?

Hello @tntcko,

You might want to have a look at this post

And, in particular this part of the thread:

Do you know if this is the case with your OJS instance?

PKP Team

i realy dont know if {$reviewGuidelines} is allowed as placeholder in emails, but default message have this placeholder so i assume it is allowed.

Hi @tntcko,

Not all of the custom email variables work within the email templates, as they rely on underlying code to fill in those variables. So, if you adjust email templates to include email variables that don’t initially exist within the default template, there’s a good possibility that they may not work without editing the underlying OJS code (which can carry certain risks and takes time, effort, and skill to edit and maintain over time). I believe that there are some efforts being made to improve this in future iterations of OJS (there are already some in place for 3.4), though, so you may find that it is easier as you use other OJS versions in the future.

PKP Team

And, just a quick follow-up to this, as I’ve discussed this with one of our developers:

In 3.4 the behaviour has changed, email variables are associated with mailables and entities they are using rather than templates themselves. Most of variables were standardized. Here’s short documentation on this: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/dev/documentation/en/utilities-email. In the workflow settings, it’s now possible, when editing or adding a new email template, in order to see which variables it uses. This will likely carry on to 3.5 as well.

PKP Team

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