Thank you for your reply, your answer gave me much insight but i still have some questions.
What files of the theme must i change? I tried to identify the file with inspect but i couldn’t figure it out so i tried to analyse the files one by one, i could identify the citations plugin in articles_details.lss but not the Addthis plugin.
About the display of the publisher i was hopeful for it to be display in this manner
On a similar note i wanted to organize the Issues by year on the archive.
Is this code from this thread up to date? Will it be compatible with OJS 3.3 and further updates (at least 3.X)?
<ul class="issues_archive">
{iterate from=issues item=issue}
{if $issue->getYear() != $lastYear}
{assign var=lastYear value=$issue->getYear()}
{include file="frontend/objects/issue_summary.tpl"}
Best regards,
José Nobre