We had OJS 3.2.1-4 on ubuntu 22.04 and the Plugin Gallery was displaying plugins. Later on, we upgraded to 3.3.0-11 TLS When I go to the Plugins tab, I don’t see a Plugin Gallery (see screenshot). Am I missing something?
I’ve looked at the thread, but nothing changes Plugin Gallery keeps loading but nothing shown. when upgrading from version 3.1.2 to 3.2.1 everything is working fine including the gallery plugin, the error occurs when upgrading to 3.3.0
Are you running Nginx ? Which is your PHP version in the webserver?
This scenario usually relates to php-fpm when it doesn’t have enough memory. Have you checked your stack setting?
If above methods are not working try clearing cache at your journal dashboard > administration > Clear Data Caches and Clear Template Cache. If still facing the same problem please check your version of PHP and if its lower than 7.4 please change it to 7.4 or higher. It happened to me few days ago and I fixed it this way.