Description of issue or problem I’m having:
I have one journal in the PKP PN and I am trying to preserve a second journal in the PKP PN. However, the second journal is having trouble depositing at all. After I reset the deposit, I get a Bad Request error.
It looks like I am also getting the inProgress error described elsewhere as well for my first journal (see deposit 6 in my logs below).
Steps I took leading up to the issue:
Activated PKP PN on the new journal.
Agreed to terms and initiated deposit.
What I tried to resolve the issue:
Checked OJS is up to date. Checked PKP PN is working on my first journal. Checked logs.
I’ve tried resetting the deposits a few times and waiting a while but it doesn’t change anything.
I’ve found other threads that mention this error and one suggests that it could be due to a lack of HTTPS, but I have HTTPS set up (including between us and Cloudflare).
It doesn’t look like it’s having any problem packaging the deposits - it’s only when sending that it starts to have issues.
Application Version - e.g., OJS 3.1.2:
OS: CentOS
PHP: 7.4.29
Server: nginx/1.20.1 + php-fpm
Database: 5.5.5-10.3.34-MariaDB
PKP PN Plugin: v2.0.4.2
Additional information, such as screenshots and error log messages if applicable:
[2022-05-02 06:11:16]
[2022-05-02 06:11:16] [Notice] Task process started.
[2022-05-02 06:11:16] [Notice] PLN Depositor executeActions started
[2022-05-02 06:11:16] [Notice] Depositor processing for Neuroanatomy and Behaviour.
[2022-05-02 06:11:16] [Notice] Getting service document.
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Processing deposit status updates.
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Trying status update for 6 (Issue: 6) (Local Status: [Transferred], Processing Status: [Sent to LOCKSS], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Processing status got for 6 -> (deposited)
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Deposit 6 has unknown LOCKSS state inProgress
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Processing updated content.
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Processing new content.
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Packaging content for deposit.
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Sending deposits to the PKP PN.
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Depositor processing for Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience.
[2022-05-02 06:11:19] [Notice] Getting service document.
[2022-05-02 06:11:20] [Notice] Processing deposit status updates.
[2022-05-02 06:11:20] [Notice] Processing updated content.
[2022-05-02 06:11:20] [Notice] Processing new content.
[2022-05-02 06:11:20] [Notice] Packaging content for deposit.
[2022-05-02 06:11:20] [Notice] Trying package deposit 4 (Issue: 4) (Local Status: [New], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2022-05-02 06:11:21] [Notice] Packaging for deposit 4 succeeded
[2022-05-02 06:11:21] [Notice] Trying package deposit 5 (Issue: 5) (Local Status: [New], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2022-05-02 06:11:22] [Notice] Packaging for deposit 5 succeeded
[2022-05-02 06:11:22] [Notice] Sending deposits to the PKP PN.
[2022-05-02 06:11:22] [Notice] Trying transfer deposit 4 (Issue: 4) (Local Status: [Packaged], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2022-05-02 06:11:22] [Notice] Posting the Atom file to staging server for deposit 4 (Local Status: [Packaged], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown]) - (Url: [], AtomPath: [/var/www/files/journals/4/pln/140E2B1C-D0F3-47E1-90EF-8B5A5BBABF4A/140E2B1C-D0F3-47E1-90EF-8B5A5BBABF4A.xml], Method: [PostFile])
[2022-05-02 06:11:24] [Notice] Posting the Atom file to staging server for deposit 4 failed (Error: [Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sword:error xmlns=""
xmlns:sword="http://purl. (truncated...)
- []])
[2022-05-02 06:11:24] [Notice] Network error Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sword:error xmlns=""
xmlns:sword="http://purl. (truncated...)
connecting to the PKP PN to send the deposit.
[2022-05-02 06:11:24] [Notice] Trying transfer deposit 5 (Issue: 5) (Local Status: [Packaged], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2022-05-02 06:11:24] [Notice] Posting the Atom file to staging server for deposit 5 (Local Status: [Packaged], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown]) - (Url: [], AtomPath: [/var/www/files/journals/4/pln/E71FFA89-C1E2-44CA-9FE5-D9AA5AA813F4/E71FFA89-C1E2-44CA-9FE5-D9AA5AA813F4.xml], Method: [PostFile])
[2022-05-02 06:11:24] [Notice] Posting the Atom file to staging server for deposit 5 failed (Error: [Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sword:error xmlns=""
xmlns:sword="http://purl. (truncated...)
- []])
[2022-05-02 06:11:24] [Notice] Network error Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sword:error xmlns=""
xmlns:sword="http://purl. (truncated...)
connecting to the PKP PN to send the deposit.
[2022-05-02 06:11:24] [Notice] Task process stopped.