I updated my OJS site from OJS 3.1 to 3.2 sometime ago. Now, I am facing problem to export issues to portico as I mentioned error in title.
Please help.
I updated my OJS site from OJS 3.1 to 3.2 sometime ago. Now, I am facing problem to export issues to portico as I mentioned error in title.
Please help.
Hi @xoaib,
I don’t believe the Portico plugin has been updated to work with OJS 3.2.x yet.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Do you have a timeline for the update to the Portico plugin so that it works with OJS 3.2.x?
Thank you!
– Marianne Reed, KU Libraries
Hi @mreedks,
Not yet – we’re in contact with them about updates, so I hopefully will be able to share good news soon.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you, Alec! I’ll watch for updates.
Marianne Reed
Digital Publishing Services, KU Libraries
@asmecher , do you have any news about the Portico plugin for OJS 3.2?
Thank you!
– Marianne Reed, KU Libraries
Hi @mreedks,
I’m working on this at the moment and expect to publish releases in the near future. (Watch Adapt Portico plugin for OJS 3.2.x compatibility by asmecher · Pull Request #19 · jmacgreg/portico · GitHub for the technical aspects of this to proceed.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you, Alec! We really appreciate your work on this.
Marianne Reed
University of Kansas Libraries