With the upgrade to OJS 3.2.1 the option to view article-level previews of HTML galleys seems to have been removed. Our editors use the previews to look at the HTML galleys and make sure images and tables show up properly. They often do not, which requires the editors to go back and tweak the galley until it works. If they cannot view HTML galleys before publication, they must fix problems with missing images after the issue is published, which is not optimal.
Is there some way to access the preview HTML galleys, or is this a bug with the new OJS version, or has the option been removed for a specific reason?
If the preview HTML galleys are no longer available in OJS 3.2.1, is there another means by which the editors can preview individual articles to check for issues prior to publication?
Thank you, however, I am confused by what is discussed in this thread. Is there a solution provided or an explanation? If so, what is it - I confess I am lost with this thread’s technical descriptions and I do not know if it addresses the specific issue of requiring HTML galleys to preview individual articles before publication. This was possible in OJS 3.2.0, but is not in OJS 3.2.1. Do WE need to add some additional code of some sort somewhere to facilitate this operation? Please explain/advise.
Unfortunately there is not a solution yet. Article preview is not available in 3.2 due to some authorization issues we were unable to resolve in time for release. But we plan to bring it back with 3.3.
Further to the problems I described in August, our editors are encountering further problems with our HTML galleys. Upon attempting to preview the html galleys they receive a 404 Not Found error.
Is this to be addressed in the OJS 3.3 upgrade and/or is there something we can do currently to deal with this problem?