Here is a journal managers concern.
I am now having issues with importing reviews to email notification for authors. This happened previous right after the update of OJS. When I click on notify authors of a decision the email comes up blank- then after I write a note to the authors I click on “import peer reviews” and it deletes what I wrote and will not import the reviews.
I noticed i was able to notify one set of authors today but not another.
In addition when I search for reviewers I will sometimes see a list of reviewer interest with no name attached to it.
Hi @EdwardDavid,
I suspect this is the same as your previous post.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I just went through all of the review email templates. a number of them had empty templates for English and french .
Just about all of them had the french template empty. All three of these tickets was for the same journal. I just spend the last 45 minutes copying and pasting email templates.
I really do not have the time to go through every journal and every email template to check if the templates are empty or not.
Then have to resurrect the old ojs version to copy the templates.
In the older version of OJS the English template was on top and the french was on the bottom in the new version some of them have the french on top and the English on the bottom.
This issue raises some serious concerns about OJS and migrating from an older version in this case 2.4.3 which is not really that old to
I hope you can address this issue.
Rather than splitting this between several threads, let’s continue the discussion here.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team