I’m running into PHP 7 install errors when trying to setup OCS (stable release 2.3.6), and wondering if this issue is going to be resolved, or if an unofficial workaround exists?
Specifically when installing I get the following 3 errors, the last of which is the fatal PHP error that seems to be causing the main issue. From my server error logs:
-PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Application has a deprecated constructor in /xxx/xxx/public_html/domainurl/classes/core/Application.inc.php on line 30
-PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; PKPApplication has a deprecated constructor in /xxx/xxx/public_html/domainurl/lib/pkp/classes/core/PKPApplication.inc.php on line 24
-PHP Fatal error: Cannot use ‘String’ as class name as it is reserved in /xxx/xxx/public_html/domainurl/lib/pkp/classes/core/String.inc.php on line 57
I’ve read in other threads [here], [here], and [here] that this is a known issue, but have not found a usable workaround without rolling back to an earlier version of PHP, which is not an option for me. In the last of those links Alec noted that the “current version of the stable branch in git ( ocs-stable-2_3_6
) works with PHP7; if you want to use OCS with PHP7 you’ll need to check that version out from github.”
I tried downloading and installing both the ocs-dev-2_3 and ocs-stable-2_3_6 branches from GitHub, but ran into the similar issues (& more with the dev version) as with the current stable release on the PKP website.
I also tried using both mysql and mysqli in the config file, but didn’t make any difference.
Not sure if I’m missing something here still (perhaps still getting old /lib or /classes files?), but couldn’t find a solution in the forums.
This is hosted on a shared Bluehost server account:
cPanel 78.0 (build 34) // Apache 2.4.39 // PHP 7.0.33 // MySQL 5.6.41-84.1 // Perl 5.28.0