Description of issue or problem I’m having:
My OJS sites show null notifications when i log into them. the null notifications show up for some time and then they disappear. these null notifications don’t come for next 1-2 days and show up again after that.
i tried to look for for what are these notifications on OJS forum however there is no concrete answer.
OJS version :
first it started with 1 ojs site and now its spreading to all OJS sites. notifications disappear however they are very annoying when we log in. I cannot find any answer for this issue.
is it known bug? please help.
are they terms updated notifications?
where can i turn them off?
what are these notifications? are they the tasks reminder in OJS site?
@israel.cefrin the thread gives good knowledge however doesn’t give solution to what should i do to eliminate the null notifications. Is there something that i can do to remove these issue?
From the reading, it seems that you have some notification entries on your DB that you could remove. Specifically those related to PKP PN plugin.
Could you please run a test on a copy of your DB to test whether removing them solves the issue?