Notifications about Critical Security Patches

Dear all,

this is a general request so I will skip our OJS version and all.

On Jan 20 there was a critical bug fix added on GitHub and according patch links added to the Downloads page. We just stumbled upon this by chance.

Is there any kind of mailing service to be notified asap about such patches? Or an RSS-Feed that exclusively contains such critical information? I looked at the FAQ and found nothing about it. The Forum messages are not sufficient, as they are most of the time not urgent and I tend to read them whenever I find the time to do so.

Thank you in advance and kind regards,

Hi @ojs_univie,

We’re working on a security mailing list – and our apologies, this has been long delayed!

Meanwhile, we announce all releases on the Announcements area of the forum, and that’s available by RSS. You could set up a custom feed for the Release tag, using:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Since I can’t answer directly in OJS/OMP/OPS 3.3 Released I am adding this here: The release message is missing the release-tag, so it did not turn up in the RSS-Feed. Also mentioning @Marisa to notify them.
