I’m using ojs 3, i forgot what exactly the version, there is a problem in notification for journal autor, autor doesn’t have information notification at all about journal status they have submited. What setting i should check to make sure notification works?
Hi @FredyDwi,
I noticed here that you posted that you are running OJS 2 (which we no longer support): Problem in Change Homepage Title Image
Is this a different instance of OJS that you are running? If so, it would be really helpful to know the version, number. You can see here for checking the version number: How do I determine my PKP software's version?
Knowing the version number is important to offering potential solutions for your problem.
And, just to be sure that I’m understanding your issue correctly: the author is looking to receive a notification for the articles that they have submitted?
PKP Team
Thank you very much for your reply, i’m using Open Journal Systems,
i want to ask, upgrade to latest OJS could fix the problem? and do the upgrade wipe journal history, because sometimes journal rating based on history.
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