We’ve received notification from DOAJ that their API will be changing in September, see below. Is the DOAJ plugin for OJS 3.x going to be updated as well?
"Progress report on the changes coming to the API in Q3 2020
This is the THIRD update about changes to the API which will go live in September 2020.
- We will be releasing a version 2 of the whole API. All the URLs that you currently use for the API are of the form “/api/v1/{endpoint}”, these will all become “/api/v2/{endpoint}”
- The API routes for “/api/v1/articles” and “/api/v1/articles/{article_id}” will continue to work, but they will respond with a permanent redirect to “/api/v2/articles” and “/api/v2/articles/{article_id}”. You should not have to change your article upload integration at all during this API upgrade, though you should strongly consider moving from the v1 to v2 URL routes.
- The data model for Journals and Applications is changing, quite significantly. This will affect all Application CRUD interfaces, Journal retrieve and Journal/Application search APIs.
- Attached are two files, OutgoingAPIJournal.md.txt and IncomingAPIApplication.md.txt, which show the data models of the Application and Journal models as they will appear in the new API. Full documentation is not quite done yet, but these provide a preview of the new models."