Continuing the discussion from How to delete a test user account?:
I have just made a mistake and merged a test user with admin account how to undo this?
Continuing the discussion from How to delete a test user account?:
I have just made a mistake and merged a test user with admin account how to undo this?
There isn’t a way to undo a merge of two users.
If you have a database backup from before the merge, you could restore to that, if required.
Since your merge was (presumably) getting rid of one of your test user accounts, you may be in an ok spot. It will just now appear that the admin user was the one to perform the earlier tests.
Are you seeing any specific undesired consequences of the merge?
Thank you very much for your answer.
Actually, I realized that in fact I didn’t marged a test user with the admin user; because I selected the button Merge User only once.
And fortunately, all the users I have created appear as separate users on the list of all enrolled users.
Anyway, your help is really valuable
Od: Clinton Graham
Wysłane: 22 marca 2016 13:45
Do: Anna Skórka
Temat: [PKP Community Forum] [Questions] Need help! - I made a mistake
[] ctgraham Leader
March 22
There isn’t a way to undo a merge of two users.
If you have a database backup from before the merge, you could restore to that, if required.
Since your merge was (presumably) getting rid of one of your test user accounts, you may be in an ok spot. It will just now appear that the admin user was the one to perform the earlier tests.
Are you seeing any specific undesired consequences of the merge?
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