I experienced several times that in institutions which publish many journals editorial boards often would like to have navigation menu defined differently for each journal.
Is there any way to manage that since if I see well it is possible to make changes system wise but not per journal. Well, it might be possible to create child theme etc…
Will navigation menu manager allow user to create navigation menus on a per journal basis?
As an example I added a new top level menu item leading to the url https://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/ and a submenu item leading to a static page created with the static page plugin. This template would go the the child menu folder of the right journal.
I have had cases in which I added different static pages in top nav menu bar.
I did not have the case to add submenu with static page to menu About the Journal.
Hello, That is fine if there is only one journal on OJS installation. If there are more journals then menu is present in all journals. I need journal specific menu.
As I mentioned above, for that you need to have a child theme for each individual journal that needs a custom navigation. When each journal has an own child theme, you can add the modified navigation template there. That is how I do it in journal.fi.
Yes, I understand what you say. I created menu for static page which will be present in each journal. Editorial Board will wait for new version of OJS and use navigation menu manager.
I am not system administrator for that journal. They hired me. but, I Noticed that their technical guys are far from being ready to maintain very customized OJS installations and manage updates accordingly.
Thus, it is better for them to wait for release that will manage that easily. if otherwise, they can easily get lost in updates, customizations etc.