Hello everyone,
after updating the journal website from 2.x to most of the things seems to work.
However, not all menu items that are supposed to be there do occur. Following items should be illustrated:
- Current (not working)
- Archives (not working)
- About (working)
The published issues can be accessed through URL, but no menu item does exist. That’s why I narrow the problem down to the menu item.
I have considered following approaches from previous discussions:
- adjust manual records on the database (table: navigation_menu_item_settings – Menu problem in OJS 3.1)
- I checked the settings of the navigation and created a test menu that I assigned to the primary menu of the theme template
- The men cache is deactivated in the config file (Current Issues not showing up)
Many thanks for your support in advance.
Hello @Marius_Becherer,
Are you able to show a screenshot of what your site looks like with these columns not showing? And maybe also your navigation settings (Website Settings)? The Primary settings in particular.
Public Knowledge Project Staff
Here is the current navigation.
(Note: I don’t have any error or warning in the browser console or hidden HTML snippets. Additionally, the mentioned issue has been replicated in Safari, Chrome, Firebox)

Here you can see the assigned settings to the primary menu.
(Note: To display “announcement” works fine if I enable announcements)

Here you can see the overall menu items. The TestMenu was created by myself for a quick check, but it is not assigned to a menu of the theme (primary / user)

Additionally, I provide you a screenshot of the published issue to show that it has been published properly.

Hello @Marius_Becherer,
That seems really bizarre that they aren’t appearing. One other thing that I can think of offhand to try is to clear the caches (template and data caches) - if you have admin privileges (or you can ask your admin to do it for you)? Let us know if that makes a difference.
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Dear Roger,
I had a look at the website after vacation and all seems to be fine. Probably your recommendation to check the server cache was going into the right direction. I’m not sure about the settings, but it seems like it took a while until the changes have been processed.

For other users, I think to reassign the navigation settings to the primary navigation of the theme might help and then the expiring date to invalid the cache seems to be relevant.
Thanks for your support!
Best regards,
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