In OMP we use the type Monographs to assign DOIs. But it seems that only the DOIs assigned to Publication Formats appear in the OAI export. Can you change this in a way that also the DOIs assigned to Monographs (as advised) appear in the OAI export?
There is already an issue about this (87865) but there is no answer.
In …/plugins/metadata/dc11/filter/Dc11SchemaPublicationFormatAdapter.php change line 175-177 from
$doi = $publicationFormat->getDoi();
if ($doi) {
$dc11Description->addStatement(‘dc:identifier’, $doi); into
$doi = $publication->getData(‘doiObject’);
if ($doi) {
$dc11Description->addStatement(‘dc:identifier’, $doi->getData(‘doi’));
It’s not 100% correct to use the monograph’s DOI as the dc:identifier for the publication format – it’s not unambiguous, i.e. several publication formats may share the same monograph DOI. It would probably be better to add monograph DOIs e.g as a dc:relation element. Would this suit your needs?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team