April 25, 2016, 6:19am
I have a question regarding sending emails via OJS.
Our Editor would like that the subject line of the sent email
(when we use prepared emails) not to contain brackets [] at the begining, and he doesn’t want the url of our site to be displayed at the end of the text of the email (at the bottom).
How I can fix that?
Thank you very much.
The email signature is in Journal Setup, Step 1.4:
User Home → Journal Manager → Setup → 1. Details → 1.4 Email Identification
The prefixing of the Journal Initials in brackets on the subject line would be a code change. See:
} elseif (is_null($journal) || is_null($journal->getSetting('contactEmail'))) {
$site =& Request::getSite();
$this->setFrom($site->getLocalizedContactEmail(), $site->getLocalizedContactName());
} else {
$this->setFrom($journal->getSetting('contactEmail'), $journal->getSetting('contactName'));
if ($journal && !Request::getUserVar('continued')) {
$this->setSubject('[' . $journal->getLocalizedSetting('initials') . '] ' . $this->getSubject());
$this->journal =& $journal;
* Assigns values to e-mail parameters.
* @param $paramArray array
* @return void
function assignParams($paramArray = array()) {