The first one sent is REVIEW_REMIND and hyperlinks in it are OK. It’s the second one REVIEW_REQUEST_REMIND_AUTO_ONECLICK that contains wrong hyperlinks.
I would still guess that problem is with the cron job. We had similar problems in December when we were still using OJS2. With OJS3 I have only used Acron.
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method ScheduledTaskTool::ScheduledTaskTool() in /var/www/html/ on line 28
After doing some tests and reading some posts, I decided to deactivated the acron plugin mainly for this reason: [quote=“ctgraham, post:15, topic:25320”]
Note that if no one browses your site on a particular day, Acron will not be able to run any scheduled tasks on that day
Also, there was some inconsistency in the display of the submission links in the email sent that I could not explain: sometimes I would get the “localhost” mention, other time I had the IP address of the server and finally the right DNS.
For the crontab, I read the docs/README and this excellent post: Any howto "crontab" somewhere? - #3 by marc. To solve the problem I had with localhost I found this [quote=“ctgraham, post:14, topic:8972, full:true”]
For anyone else who stumbles on this topic, I want to note that we had trouble calling the crontabs via an absolute pathname (for example, 0 0 * * * php /www/journal1/tools/runScheduledTasks.php). In particular, scheduled tasks which depend on calculating a journal base_url (like the PLN) were unable to accurately do so. A more reliable method (but maybe not perfect) is to cd to the OJS root directory and to run the command from there with a relative path (for example, 0 0 * * * cd /www/journal1/; php tools/runScheduledTasks.php).
For anyone who might be interested, I added to apache crontab for each job running in MySQL table schedule_tasks: