Error in email with subject Automated Submission Review Reminder


If we want to continue using Cron instead of Acron, then there are three possible fixes, if I understand correctly:

  1. Define base_url[index] in This solution I picked up from this threat: PKP PLN Network Status is confused by URL aliases · Issue #1423 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

  2. Running Cron from the OJS directory (your 9 Jun message here PKP PLN Network Status is confused by URL aliases · Issue #1423 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub) <= not sure whether this would work in this case, ie. would the url be any different?

  3. Using this patch: Use only webserver variables for hostname detection (not OS "HOSTNAME… · pkp/pkp-lib@fd0a06e · GitHub (how is this different from 1427?)

Is this correct? I will probably do the first one and see if it works.