In short.
We have two language in OJS website. It`s English (main) and Ukrainian.
Main problem with “How to Cite” (every article).
When change language to English we see surname at Ukrainian in “How to Cite”
Example: English
Main page
in the article
So, only in English version website we have issu with language.
Ukrainan version works well
In the submission metadata, is the title and author metadata entered in both Ukranian and English? Could you share a screenshot of the submission metadata beign edited for this article> ?
Hi @Oleksandr_Radkevych, Thank you. It looks like you’ve got the metadata entered correctly - it just seems odd that the “How to cite” is pulling the author title info differently. I’ll have to look into this further and will try to get back to you soon.
I did find this: OJS 'How to cite' uses wrong language - it does appear that there is an issue with the third-party CSL toolkit, which may be causing this issue.
@Oleksandr_Radkevych it looks like your article has one contributor. However, in the three screenshots you posted with the contributor names, it looks like the last one does not have an english surname. This may be the source of the problem.