Please could anybody tell me, there is a download counter of the PDFs in the platform OJS?
Hi @desarrollo,
Yes, and you can see the numbers in several places. The most common place is under editorial page, where you upload and manage your article galleys, there is a view column there, that shows you how many times the file was downloaded.
Another way is to use the statistics and reports page, under management. You can generate reports that will tell you how many times an abstract was accessed and how many times each article galley was downloaded. Try the Timed Views report, for example.
Thanks Bruno, but could you explained me more about the download counter you say I can see in the article galleys,
what’s its name?
Could you give me an example of that counter, give me an URL to visit some page where I can get some instructions?
It’s a column named VIEWS, inside the Layout section of the article editing page.
You have to log in as an editor to access the article editing page, once you’re logged in as an editor, you will see the page to select an article list, there are 4 lists: unassigned, in review, in editing and archived.
If your article is already published, go to archived list, find it and click. This will lead you to the article page, where you can access the summary, review, editing, history, references. Click on editing and you will be on the page where you can find the galley views.
But I want to know about the download counter? How can I see the numbers of every pdf, how much the article has been downloaded?
The VIEWS column tells you exactly that, for each galley (it can be a pdf, or xml, or any other galley format).
In my journal that views always shows in ZERO (0) in spite of the article has been viewed
I’m using OJS
Make sure to check this FAQ: My published file views or statistics reports shows no data. What do I do?
Let me know here if the instructions there were of any help to you, if not, we can continue debugging here.
Hello @beghelli Bruno,
Thanks for all your help…I have already corrected the base url and saved the changes, I entered to the files usageStats/archive folder and usageStats/reject, I found there were some archives on it but it still no shows the views…
Other thing is i run the query and it showed entries so I guess stats processing is working, besides I checked the permissions and assured the user got it all, but I dont know why I cannot see the views, they are in 0
Hello @beghelli Bruno,
Thanks for all your help…I have already corrected the base url and saved the changes, I entered to the files usageStats/archive folder and usageStats/reject, I found there were some archives on it but it still no shows the views…
Other thing is i run the query and it showed entries so I guess stats processing is working, besides I checked the permissions and assured the user got it all, but I dont know why I cannot see the views, they are in 0
Hi @desarrollo,
If you fixed the base url setting yesterday, today you should see more stats coming from the processing.
The galley file in question, can you get it’s id? If you can, then you can run this sql query and check if there’s data about it:
SELECT * FROM metrics WHERE assoc_id = ? AND assoc_type = 261;
Replace the ? by your galley file id.
If you have stats data and if your files are being moved to the archive folder the it’s probable that the galley file was never downloaded via the article page. You can confirm that any download there will be counted downloading the file and waiting at least one full day and check again the Views column, or applying the query above.
Only one question: is everything you wrote here still relevant?
Kind regards,
That depends. If you have problems getting the statistics in OJS, probably you should follow this question instead: My published file views or statistics reports shows no data. What do I do?
Okay, thank you!
Our IT support said the base_URL is the right one.
They found out, that since 11th November 2014 no “Usage Events” are generated any more. Statistics are available for the time before that date, but nothing for the time since then.
Do you have an idea what can be wrong?
Best regards!
I’ve updated the FAQ I sent you last message. Please, read the first paragraph (it’s the only thing that’s new). I think that might help you.
Thanks for helping improving the FAQ.
thanks a lot!
Still, I think I cannot solve the problem. The point “create log files” setting under the usage statistics settings page is checked!
I don’t know what else can be the problem because we obviously get no more “usage events” since November 2014. So a new OJS version or something cannot be the reason. Also, regarding things which are set by default - nobody would change them except if I told him
Do you have any other idea?
…Acutally, I don’t know what you mean by this: “server access log files”. Where can I find the settings?
Best regards!
Are you sure you don’t have a folder permission problem? Also, do you have access to your server php log? If yes, can you search for errors there?
Another thing we can do is to make sure that the plugins are correctly registered looking at the database. Please, run this query:
SELECT * FROM versions WHERE product = 'usageevent';
And also:
SELECT * FROM versions WHERE product = 'usagestats';
Both should return an entry, paste them here if you can.
Hi @beghelli i followed every step and my stats work, but, unlike what happen to others, my OJS installation doesn’t show me the abstract views – which should instead –, but it shows me only the no. of downloaded galleys. The usage statistics generic plugins is enabled, the usage statistics settings page is checked and files are present in usageStats folder. Do you have an idea what can be wrong?