I want to hide one of my journals from public - it and it’s pages, articles, issues and so on should not be accessible and it should not be listed in the journal overview. Normal CMSs have a public flag for every object. Is this function missing in OJS or did I just not find it? Thank you very much
Each journal has an “enabled” flag.
In OJS 2.4.x, see: User Home → Site Administrator → Hosted Journals → Edit → Enable…
In OJS 3.x, see: Administration → Hosted Journals → (Expand) → Edit → Enable…
Thanks; I was searching for this
Hi @ctgraham ,
thank you for your answer but as far as I can tell the journal is still accessible if you know the abbreviated journals name for the link.
Your procedure just “hides” the journal but does not deny access?!
My OJS-version is 2.4.8
In OJS 2.4.x, access control is managed in the Journal Setup, Step 4. See particularly the options of 4.1.
But even when I enable “OJS will not be used to publish the journal’s contents online.” it is still accessible via the address-bar in the browser
What is still accessible? I tried this in OJS 2.4.8-1, and I was not able to access published content by directly entering the URL. Instead I was redirected to the journal’s homepage, which was limited to any public announcements.
sorry, the journals site is still accessible (we are also running OJS
So one cannot get access to published content but still would see the site of the actually hidden journal (however further access can be denied in Journal Setup 4.1).
I tried several options in the Journal Setup 4.1, but somehow I cannot find the right combination that it would redirect any user to the main homepage (not the hidden journals main page).
Are you wanting to delete the journal entirely from your site?
no, I would like to have the journal hidden until we have imported all retrodigitized pdfs and then publish the journal. Hiding the journal would be only temporal.
You could configure your webserver to only allow access to the URL for the journal to select IP addresses, but that would be a function of Apache or IIS instead of OJS.
Otherwise, I’m not clear why you wouldn’t just hide the journal in any site level lists (the enabled flag) and leave the journal homepage as the only accessible page to the general public (setup 4.1), with a “coming soon” announcement. I think that’s as close as you’ll get with the native functionality of OJS to what you want.
ok - thanks. I will look into the advice with the announcement.