Hola! Me mandaron un informe de errores en los que todos los artículos de la revista aparecen como “Articulo sin ejemplar identificado en la importación” y no sé porque sale este error si yo los puse en cada numero. si alguien me puede ayudar gracias!
Hi @anita_chehin1,
Could you include a screenshot of the area where you see the error?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have the same problem. I include a screenshot of that. And include other screenshot of my table of contents of our journal.
table of contents
Hi @anita_chehin1 and @Revista_de_Ciencia_T
Could you maybe try to explain when exactly does this happen and where exactly the error appears?
I sent a request to be a dialnet member. Dialnet use the file transfer (OAI-PMH) to extract the metadata from the journal. Exactly I don’t know what tool they use for that, but, the tool said that all the articles are in volume 0, number 0:
I don’t have idea how to solve this : '(
Hmmm… yes, strange…
You OAI-PMH interface seems to be here: http://digi.usac.edu.gt/ojsrevistas/index.php/cytes/oai. For example, this way you can list the records in the DC format: http://digi.usac.edu.gt/ojsrevistas/index.php/cytes/oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc. Here also example of one of the article that is on that error list: http://digi.usac.edu.gt/ojsrevistas/index.php/cytes/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=marcxml&identifier=oai:revistas.digi.usac.edu.gt:article/346.
Except DC format, there are a few more formats supported, s. http://digi.usac.edu.gt/ojsrevistas/index.php/cytes/oai?verb=ListMetadataFormats. None of them has explicit element for volume and number, I think – those information is usually provided in one element, for example dc:source.
I do not know how they harvest, what format or elements they expect exactly – although there are metadata standards, they are used in different ways. Maybe they also have some kind of specification/documentation? The volume and numbers in your journal seem to be correct, so it seems like they would miss something (e.g. an element) in the OJS OAI interface. Would it be maybe possible for you to contact them and ask how they harvest and why those metadata (volume and number) are 0 in your case?
How did you get on this report? Which way?
2 posts were split to a new topic: Informe de errores de calidad DIALNET