I want import article or issue from ojs2 to ojs3. How can I import?
I want import article or issue from ojs2 to ojs3. How can I import?
The schema has changed between 2.4.x and 3.x. See:
A quick workaround would be to upgrade a copy of the OJS instance with the articles and issues you want to 3.x, and then export them from that instance.
A more full workaround would be to create a XSLT transform to take the 2.4.8 export and output a 3.x compatible one.
I import user and issue from ojs2 to ojs3. see error:
Validation errors:
Element 'users': No matching global declaration available for the validation root.
Yes, this same advice applies for both Articles and Issues import/export between 2.x and 3.x, and for User import/export between 2.x and 3.x. Make a copy of the OJS 2.x instance, then upgrade it to 3.x. You’ll then be able to export the Users, or export the Articles/Issues from 3.x for import into 3.x.
I cant import article or issue from OJS 2.x to OJS 3.x . I should upgrade? I want new install OJS 3.x and import article or issue from OJS 2.x to OJS 3.x
If you duplicate the OJS 2.x install by copying the database, file_dir
, and the source files, you will have an independent copy of OJS which you can then upgrade to 3.x. You will then have your live install of OJS 2.x (call it production), and an upgraded install of OJS 3.x (call it development), as well as your clean, new install of OJS 3.x (call it preproduction). You can then export the users and issues from development for import into preproduction.
I add new directory and install new ojs3. I have the two together. New web version (3.x) and the old version (3.x). I want the two together. I USE NEW database, file_dir, and the source files for 3.x. I do not want upgrade (2.x) to (3.x)
I am suggesting you make three copies:
Copy ojs to ojs_temp, then upgrade ojs_temp to 3.x. Export the Users and Issues.
Import Users and Issues into ojs3, then delete ojs_temp.
You keep the original 2.x install unmodified, and have imported the Users and Issues into a new, clean 3.x.
I am sorry, what you explain on how to import articles/issues from ojs 2.4.x to ojs 3.0.0 is not clear yet for me. I am just a journal editor. Would you mind to give a bit detailed steps to do it? Thanks
The process I am describing will really involve a system administrator who can install a new copy of OJS.
This process is described with steps 1 - 3 of the INSTALL process here:
You will then need to copy the database and the uploaded files (files_dir
) from your current install to the new install.
Finally, you would run the OJS 3 upgrade process:
Do you have a system administrator who can help with this?
I am a journal editor. I don’t have full support, one of them is system administrator, at my campus for ojs. So, I go beyond my expertise. Stay tuned in this forum is my chance to learn ojs. I have journal installed with ojs 2.4.x. I want to use native xml export/import in ojs3 to import articles/issues from my old ojs platform. I have tried but failed/ get the error. I want to learn on how to to do it correctly so I can have articles/issues in my new ojs.
Here is what I don’t understand
A quick workaround would be to upgrade a copy of the OJS instance
with the articles and issues you want to 3.x, and then export them from
that instance.
A more full workaround would be to create a XSLT transform to take the 2.4.8 export and output a 3.x compatible one.
As I understand it, you cannot directly export users and articles from OJS2 for import into OJS3.
You have two options, both of which will require external assistance:
You can use the upgrade process (even if only temporarily). This would require help from your system administrator. You can point your system administrator at this forum topic for the explanation.
You can also edit the XML from OJS2 after export to be compatible with OJS3. This will require a developer who is familiar with XML.
Well, it means that quick submit plugin is very important for anyone like me. Will it be available at ojs 3.0.1?
Dear @ctgraham,
I tried to solve the problem with upgrade OJS to OJS 3.0.2 but have a big problem. As you can see on Database error on upgrade OJS to OJS 3.0.2 - #12 by asmecher I tried a lot but nothing. Problem with database. Could I instal OJS in the new directory, import articles and issues from old and than to upgrade this version of OJS to OJS 3.0.2? Also, do I need to copy directory file (where are all articles and issues in new directory). How to solve my problem with upgrades?
Let’s keep the discussion of the trouble with the upgrade in the other thread.
Regarding the question of import/export, yes, import/export only works currently between the same versions of OJS. You can’t export from OJS 2.x to OJS 3.x (though there is discussion of tackling this problem at the Sprint in a week). Exporting from your existing 2.x to a clean 2.x for upgrade to 3.x aligns with my suggestion above, and may be worth a try for you.
Yes, I understand that we will keep the discussion with this topic. But my problem started with upgrade and import-export articles are probably the best way to solve my problem. Because I cannot make upgrades to OJS 3.0.2 could I do next>
The OJS 2.4.x export serializes the contents of the files as part of the XML, so you don’t need to make a copy of the files_dir
to move articles, issues and users from a 2.4.8 export to a 2.4.8 import.
Once you have imported the contents into the clean OJS 2.4.8 install, you will need to redo your journal level customizations (such as journal settings). This clean install could be upgraded to 3.x. At that point I would verify new journal settings, redo any plugin configuration, and make that the live site. No need for a second 3.x → 3.x import/export round.
Dear @ctgraham,
I imported users without errors. But, when I want to upload issues and articles I received
Import Error
One or more errors occurred during import. Please check to ensure that the format of the import file correctly matches the specification. Specific details of the import errors are listed below.
The upload failed; please ensure that uploads are allowed on your server and that the file is not too big for your PHP and web server configuration.
I tried to upload one by one article and issue but received the same error.
Where is the problem? I export and import XML files from same OJS version.
This is probably a limitation on the size of file you can upload to the server. Some likely constraints would be the maximum upload filesize, maximum memory consumption, and maximum process runtime. Try exporting an issue or two at a time, or increase the resources available to PHP.