Hi folks, hope you are all fine.
Images isn’t loaded anymore on eLife Lens XML viewer after OJS upgrade.
Previous version: OJS 33014
Upgraded version: OJS3405
PHP version: 8.2
I notice that image path on XML viewer became different on the newer version, take a look at this:
OJS 33014 / php8.2 (bkp version)
article on eLife Lens:
image path ok:
OJS3405 / php8.2 (current version)
article on eLife Lens:
image path fail:
XML code:
<fig id="f1">
<label>Figure 1</label>
<title>Decommissioning Phases.</title>
<graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="2111-figure1.jpg"/>
Source: [
<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B04">4</xref>
- No php log error
- Console error: nothing seems to be related with this issue (same errors on both versions)
Any ideo about what can be done in this case?
Thank you all