I want to include the current date in the acceptance letter template , what is the keyword I should use
We use OJS version:
I want to include the current date in the acceptance letter template , what is the keyword I should use
We use OJS version:
Hello @qassimnasir,
What you might want to do is have a look at a relevant email template that includes a date here: Workflow Settings - and see if there is a relevant variable by looking at the template in your OJS, and you can try that to see if meets your needs.
Thanks Roger for your kind reply.
I am looking for all possibilities for tags such as “{$authorName}:,
Appreciate your assistance
Hi @rcgillis,
What I believe would be nice with these ‘email templates variables’ are:
Regards, Primož
What is the name of variable for current date,. Are there a lost of those variable which I can use. appreciate you support.
Hello @qassimnasir,
I’ve discovered this thread: Email variables list - OJS 3 - #6 by astevens - that goes into more detail as to why there is not a universal list of email variables (in the later discussions in the post):
I haven’t spotted one for the current date - there may not be one, or it may be tied to a specific template, because, as noted, the email variables are context-specific and often only certain variables can be used in specific emails, since not all variables work across all templates.
This thread also goes into some further details: Shortcode for prepared e-mails - #16 by lsteele
This is one of things that we have planned on our roadmap to improve during the 3.4 and 3.5 releases.