Shortcode for prepared e-mails

Hello Felipe,

Here is a list of variables I created when I configured our site. It is not complete and it is an ongoing project. I found – but I am not totally sure – that the same variable pulls in different information depending on where in the workflow you use it, so pay attention.

It would be very useful if there were a more detailed list.



=== email variables OJS

{$siteTitle}: corresponds to journal full title

{$submissionId}: Article sequential number

{$submissionTitle}: Ms title

{$contextName}: journal full name

{$contextUrl}: Journal URL

{$submissionUrl}: Submission URL

{$participantUsername}: username of recipient

{$editorialContactSignature}: (varies with sender)

{$principalContactSignature}: as registered as Principal contact in Settings/Journal/Masthead

{$editorialContactName}: recipient

{$notificationContents}: adds text including discussion subject line and ms title

{$url}: add a link to a ms from a discussion

{$reviewerName}: pulls in name and surname of invited reviewer

{$responseDueDate}: pulls in the date as configured in settings/workflow/review

{$submissionReviewUrl}: direct link to submission, works after acceptance (?)

{$reviewDueDate}: add a date of review due


{$userFullName}: ??

{$username}: ??

{$password}: ??

{$submitterName}: ?? when is this used?



{$itemCost} ({$itemCurrencyCode}):

{$authorString}: pulls in author full name (?)

Submission title: {$submissionTitle}

Submission ID: {$contextName}-2018-00{$submissionId}


SUBMISSION_ACK and SUBMISSION_ACK_NOT_USER (you can review the text of these in the emails list in setup).

The SUBMISSION_ACK message goes to the sending user, and is blind-copied to anyone identified in Settings > Workflow > Submissions.

The SUBMISSION_ACK_NOT_USER message goes to any authors (besides the submitting user).