When author is uploading file he is prompted with HTTP error. IS that permission/ownership error?
Ownership: username: wwwrun group:www
permissions: 775
When author is uploading file he is prompted with HTTP error. IS that permission/ownership error?
Ownership: username: wwwrun group:www
permissions: 775
Hi @vvucic,
That doesn’t sound like a permission error to me – what is the HTTP error?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have message: 7 bytes in /srv/www/htdocs/ojs//lib/pkp/classes/db/DAO.inc.php on line 347, referer http://my domain/submission because that happens when I want to upload file in Step 2 in Submission process.
Hi @vvucic,
I’m not sure what that “7 bytes” is (I’ve never seen a message of that form) – is there a way you can check what the 7 bytes actually are?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It is written as I wrote : 7 bytes in /srv/www/htdocs/ojs/…
I do not know what does that mean
Hi @vvucic,
Where do you see that message? Perhaps a screenshot or something might help.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry, It is possible that 7 was visible actually from row: Error at offset 1239 from 1827 bytes in… in unserialize message.
Maybe I did not see properly since window was moved…
Hi @vvucic,
That’s likely the same problem that you’re having elsewhere with database encodings.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
yes, but what I can do in order to solve the problem since in both phpmyadmins utf8 is default. So , it should not be issue in that.
I have done fresh installation, imported database in which everything was displayed properly and now but HTTP error persists. Please advise how to fix that.
When I turned off plugin recommend by Author HTTP error disappeared.
in php error log there is log: Invalid argument supplied for foreach () in /path/recommendByAuthorPlugin.inc.php in line 114.
I have ha dsimilar situation when We upgraded php to 5.6.30 0n another server. Cover image of journal could not be uploaded.
Turning off Recoomend By AUthor plugin solved issue.
Since that plugin is very useful it could be good to fix that ASAP. I am willing to test patch if you have it.
Hi @vvucic,
Hmmm… I’ve just tested the plugin and I get that warning only when I visit the article view page – this plugin i.e. that function is only called then. I will fix the warning, but somehow I do not understand how could this cause your HTTP problem/error :-\ When exactly does this error/problem happen? – This plugin and that function should actually not be executed by submission file upload :-
S. this issue for the patch for that warning: fix warning in RecommendByAuthorPlugin · Issue #2552 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Are you 100% sure that this warning occurs exactly on that submission file upload and produces that HTTP error?
I was just looking at this same issue so great to see that you already fixed it. It may be that it was also causing this Strange behavior when using 2+ plugins with the same hook · Issue #2527 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub but I will check after I have applied your fix. Thanks!
Hi @ajnyga, thanks! As I said I couldn’t reproduce the original problem described here – I just saw the warning in the error log file, when viewing the article view page… :-\
I have had that in two situations. But, what is common to both situations is that all of that happen after upgrade to PHP 5.6.30.
Please check this thread too:
In the both cases problem disappeared when I turned off the plugin recommend by Author.
Maybe that is direction to spot source of issue.
Hi @vvucic
Thanks a lot! Somehow I still cannot understand it… :-
But here are the patches for those two warnings:
When you apply them, are those problems solved?
I am getting an HTTP Error at the end of an unsuccessful upload using the Quicksubmit plugin in 3.0.2. Quicksubmit will upload small files but my attempt to upload one of 8.4mb fails and “HTTP Error” is displayed. This is not a server size limit as that is set higher.
Check your webserver access log and error log for details on the type of HTTP error. A 4xx error generally indicates that the webserver is preventing the request from succeeding. A 5xx error generally indicates the the webserver tried to process the request but was unsuccessful. You may also be able to see the specific HTTP error code in your web browser, perhaps via the Web Inspector.
Have you checked both server upload limits at the webserver level and at the PHP level?
In my case, the plugin was not active so is not the origin of the http error. Checking the logs files i’ve detected several writing errors in cache folders. I am on fixing those permission issues, but i also saw an error trying to find a file named xmlrpc.php.
I don’t know what file is that. This is the error i got on logs:
[Sun Jul 30 23:51:53.139284 2017] [:error] [pid 93025] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx] script '/data/www/ojs_csoc/xmlrpc.php' not found or unable to stat
I never heard or seen that file before so i really don’t know what that is…
Hi @RGatica,
That appears to be a random scan by a bot for a Wordpress component that isn’t present on your site.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team