How to remove the current issue part from the Journal's homepage

Hi, I am using OJS 3.1, when publish an issue, the issue will be shown on the homepage of the journal. My question is how to remove it from the homepage of the journal?


Thank you very much.

Hi, not an expert, but I rearranged my journal homepage content before.

You may edit the indexJournal template file. Although, it is recommended to use child theme instead of editing the original file in templates/frontend/pages. You may want to refer to here for further info

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You may want to check out this link to: link

It is solved, thank you very much.


I have the same question - is there any other way to remove the current issue from homepage without creating child theme?

Best regards

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Find this * templates/frontend/pages/indexJournal.tpl

and delete this code

{* Latest issue *}
{if $issue}
	<section class="current_issue">
		<a id="homepageIssue"></a>
			{translate key="journal.currentIssue"}
		<div class="current_issue_title">
		{include file="frontend/objects/issue_toc.tpl" heading="h3"}
		<a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="issue" op="archive"}" class="read_more">
			{translate key="journal.viewAllIssues"}
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You can also hide it by uploading a CSS file at

The CSS should contain the following (if you are using the default theme)

/* Hide current issue on main page */
.current_issue {
	display: none;
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