Customize manuscript child theme

First, is it possible to delete right sidebar information on article detail page but keep it in indexPage journal? It aims to make the article detail page as full page

In the default template, you can prevent the sidebar from appearing on any page by passing a true $isFullWidth variable to the header template file.

To modify the article detail page, I’d add copy /templates/frontend/pages/article.tpl (here) to your child theme at the same location. Then I’d modify this line:

{include file="frontend/components/header.tpl" pageTitleTranslated=$article->getLocalizedTitle()|escape}

And add the isFullWidth variable:

{include file="frontend/components/header.tpl" isFullWidth=true pageTitleTranslated=$article->getLocalizedTitle()|escape}

That should do it.

(PS - I strongly encourage you to use a child theme, rather than modifying the manuscript theme directly. Any changes you make to the files in defaultManuscript will be overwritten with each update to the theme.)

Second, where is the header.tpl and footer.tpl file related to manuscript theme?

The default theme (and the manuscript theme, since it is a child theme) rely on the template files in the core application. You will find these in two places:


You can find the templates you’re looking for in the /lib/pkp/frontend/components/ directory.