We have footer with necessary information there. That information overlaps the powered by OJS… message.
is it possible to remove that powered by message…?
We have footer with necessary information there. That information overlaps the powered by OJS… message.
is it possible to remove that powered by message…?
Hi @vvucic,
In the front end, that’s implemented in lib/pkp/templates/frontend/components/footer.tpl
– look for brandImage
. It might be a better idea to hide it with CSS, e.g. using the pkp_brand_footer
We do encourage users to indicate that they’re using OJS, though of course that’s not required.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We will put somewhere that we use OJS. Indeed.
I commented out lines 39, 40, 42 and 43 and I do not see images but I see alt text. How to remove that alt text?
Which css defines that part?
Hi @vvucic,
Perhaps there’s a typo in the commenting – can you post the exact modifications you made?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
#<div class=“pkp_brand_footer” role=“complementary” aria-label="{translate|escape key=“about.aboutThisPublishingSystem”}">
# <a href="{url page=“about” op=“aboutThisPublishingSystem”}">
# <img alt="{translate key=“common.publicKnowledgeProject”}" src="{$baseUrl}/lib/pkp/templates/images/pkp_brand.png">
Hi @vvucic,
HTML should be commented using <!--
and -->
, and Smarty should be commented using {*
and *}
. Either should work here, but #
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The alt text is there even after I delete those lines.
Any advise?
Hi @vvucic,
Try flushing your template cache. To do this, delete all .php
files from cache/t_compile
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Done that and I still have the same as on image
There must be something else that keeps al text of images visible. I deleted images physically, but alt text is showing up.
Hi @vvucic,
Can you post your modifications again? Also, are you looking in the reader front-end, or the editorial back-end?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
In editorial back-end I do have common theme and I succeded to remove alt texts. On reader front-end there is Bootstrap theme and alt texts still appear there.
I deleted lines from footer.tpl for Bootstrap theme that define appearance of About… branding information.
Now it works fine without that.
Huh, I guess it should be simpler mechanism.
Hi @vvucic,
Ah – that theme includes some template files that override the built-in templates.
Note that CSS is probably a better way to do this. The same CSS will probably apply regardless of what theme you’re using, and you won’t have to maintain modifications to the system across e.g. upgrades.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, but even when I put in css that display is none the footer remain to be displayed. Actually, I think that removal of cache is substantial for noticing exact steps when something is taking effect or not.
When I click on Empty cache of templates it does not produce effect as deleting files in t_compile.
I think that something should be fixed in that relation of changing .css, corresponding .tpl file and emptying cache. If possible that should be easier to do.
For example, in part of interface that is related to footer there should be option to omit powered by…
In addition, you can offer to users a couple of ways to acknowledge PKP through some badge, title displayed on some places etc.
That would give users more flexibility to make their own designs yet being able to acknowledge your work.
The same applies for managing footer on the main frontpage. I will open new topic for that question.
Hello there Alec,
I have changed the URL in footer.tpl but it still doesn’t link to the URL I wanted.
Is it possible or not possible to completely remove powered by from footer?
Thank you very much in advance.
Hi @geekm1983,
Yes, it is possible to remove the “Powered By” message by editing the template file. OJS 3.0.2 is licensed under the GPLv2, which doesn’t require attribution, but note that it’s good citizenship to give credit to the free software that supports your work.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think that footer is big enough so it can contain the Powered by and all other needed information.
I have succeeded in changing the footer logo and its link but when I switch to a bootstrap theme, it shows me this message right above the footer:
* @brief Common site frontend footer. * * @uses $isFullWidth bool Should this page be displayed without sidebars? This * represents a page-level override, and doesn't indicate whether or not * sidebars have been configured for thesite. *}
How can I fix this? And thanks!
Hi @geekm1983,
I suspect you accidentally removed a {*
or *}
. Smarty templates use these to mark the beginning and ending of comments.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
Can you please tell me which file I should go to?
Thank you very much.