How to remove powered by from footer

Hi @geekm1983,

I don’t know what files you modified. I would suggest using a tool like diff to check whether you made accidental modifications anywhere.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Here’s the code:

 * templates/frontend/components/footer.tpl
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Simon Fraser University
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 John Willinsky
 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
 * @brief Common site frontend footer.
 * @uses $isFullWidth bool Should this page be displayed without sidebars? This
 *       represents a page-level override, and doesn't indicate whether or not
 *       sidebars have been configured for thesite.

	</div><!-- pkp_structure_main -->

	{* Sidebars *}
	{if empty($isFullWidth)}
		{call_hook|assign:"sidebarCode" name="Templates::Common::Sidebar"}
		{if $sidebarCode}
			<div class="pkp_structure_sidebar left" role="complementary" aria-label="{translate|escape key="common.navigation.sidebar"}">
			</div><!-- pkp_sidebar.left -->
</div><!-- pkp_structure_content -->

<div id="pkp_content_footer" class="pkp_structure_footer_wrapper" role="contentinfo">

	<div class="pkp_structure_footer">

		{if $pageFooter}
			<div class="pkp_footer_content">

			<img src="/ojs4/ojs/public/site/images/drbr/486373086.jpg" alt=""></p>


</div><!-- pkp_structure_footer_wrapper -->

</div><!-- pkp_structure_page -->

{load_script context="frontend"}

{call_hook name="Templates::Common::Footer::PageFooter"}

Please locate the error.

Thank you very much.

That code looks ok, based on a quick review.

Have you tried clearing the template cache?

You might also try replacing this file with an unmodified copy to see if the “Powered By” section comes back and the Smarty comment is suppressed. That would prove whether it is something in this file or something elsewhere.

Which lines should be commented for hiding the powered by message and image in the editorial back-end? Thank you.

Exactly, that was the solution in the path:

journal / plugins / themes / bootstrap3 / templates / frontend / components

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where is this class. I am using .

Thanks, Victor. It worked for me.