Hi cembra,
I’ve only begun to learn how to create my first child theme over the past few days so I can’t offer very knowledgeable help. But I’ve managed to get a basic child theme working so I can at least tell you how I got mine started.
First of all, have you updated the Health Sciences theme to the latest version? It looks as though a bugfix was recently published.
Next, do I understand that you’ve been renaming and changing files in the “default child theme folder”? Unless I’m very mistaken, the folder you’re talking about isn’t meant to serve as a location for any new child theme; “defaultChild” is just the name of a theme. It’s probably better to put the files for your own child theme in its own path:
If so, then here’s what (I think) you need to have in these files in that directory:
return new healthSciencesChildThemePlugin();
class healthSciencesChildThemePlugin extends ThemePlugin {
public function init() {
function getDisplayName() {
return __('plugins.themes.healthscienceschild.name');
function getDescription() {
return __('plugins.themes.healthscienceschild.description');
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE version SYSTEM "../../../lib/pkp/dtd/pluginVersion.dtd">
<!-- The application should match the theme folder to ensure it is unique -->
<!-- The class name of the plugin. See index.php -->
I don’t know what locale you’re working with, but you can replace en_US with yours:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE locale SYSTEM "../../../../../lib/pkp/dtd/locale.dtd">
<locale name="en_US" full_name="U.S. English">
<message key="plugins.themes.healthscienceschild.name">Health Sciences Child Theme</message>
<message key="plugins.themes.healthscienceschild.description">A description for the Health Sciences Child Theme</message>