We have a journal in OJS and are trying to figure out how to best display upcoming articles before they next issue is published. I read some old threads, and found an example here for this site that displays 4 volumes at once on the front page. Does anyone know how to achieve that or is there a better way to do it?
Hi @Lolekbolek,
It sounds like you are referring to “continuous publishing,” where individual articles are published when they are ready instead of all together in a full issue. There is some documentation about continuous publishing available here: Chapter 15: Production and Publication
Does this answer your question?
Thank you,
Thank you, @kshuttle,
I showed your reply to our Managing Editor and she said this:
“This suggestion is helpful, but it doesn’t solve the problem of the “current issue” displaying only one article for some time – until more articles are approved. This isn’t terrible but it’s not ideal for readership. That’s why I’d like to display the most recent FULL issue, as well as the “continuous publication” of the next issue – essentially two issues at a time. It seems that the Semantics and Pragmatics journal found a way to do this”.
So, I wonder, how could I do in OJS what Semantics and Pragmatics are doing?
Hi @Lolekbolek,
OJS’s current model is that one single issue is designated “current”, and that issue can be optionally designated to appear on the homepage. So using that feature to include multiple issues would require code modifications (I’d recommend using a custom theme to override certain templates if that’s a route you choose).
However, if you don’t mind a bit of additional overhead when you publish new content, you can also use the “Additional Content” field in Setup to copy/paste the contents of your issues. Likewise, or instead (if you prefer), you can use the Navigation area in setup to create a new Navigation Menu Item that overrides the issue/current
path with arbitrary content that you manage by editing the item manually.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I’ve been using your “Additional Content” workaround with Phonological Data and Analysis to add additional articles, technically “issues”, to what’s shown on the page at the issue/current path. That works. But, since our editorial team doesn’t want the current article/issue highlighted by itself at the top, I’d been thinking that your idea to use a new overriding item in the Navigation Menu might work. Thanks for confirming for me that it should be possible. It should also make it possible for each item on that page to have only direct links to the article view page, rather than to an issue view page, which is the OJS default.