How to add Custom JS and CSS on OJS 2.4.x?

Hello, I’m trying to add additional CSS and JS to head of my journal to use external JS.

I’ve tried to add the code with some JS from the footer, but the script is loading after the body tag loaded. It becomes weird at a moment when the script not yet executed.

Is there any plugin to do that? to place additional CSS and JS to head tag on the html DOM.
There is plugin I’ve found (GitHub - relaciones-internacionales-journal/add-CSS-JS-plugin: OJS Plugin to easily add CSS stylesheets or JS files to Head - IN DEVELOPMENT) but the plugin ought to set manually from the cPanel or FTP. While we have not access to the core folder.

Application Version - OJS.2.4.8

I hope any one can help us to find the plugin :frowning:

Hi @Berantakan_Email,

Is upgrading an option for you? I mention that because OJS 2 is no longer supported and very out-of-date. I would certainly recommending updating.

There is the custom header plugin, that might help with this kind of scenario. More details on the plugin can be found here: Use Case/Examples for Custom header plugin for OJS

Best regards,

PKP Team

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