Following error:
“Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned.”
PHP log:
[02-Aug-2021 22:57:13 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of ManageReviewFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles, $fileStage = null) must be compatible with ManageSubmissionFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles = null, $fileStage = null, …$functionArgs) in /opt/lampp/htdocs/amazingjournal/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/review/form/ on line 87
As you can see I am running on localhost via xampp/lampp (journal not live yet). Don’t know if that is what is causing the problem.
One thing I thought to do: Checked in phpinfo that gettext is enabled. It is.
OJS version
Anybody any tips? Want to fully test drive and configure workflow/theme on localhost before I commit to getting this running on a server.