I have been trying to upgrade our OJS 3.1.2-4 on Redhat7 Php 7.2.24 to OJS 3.2.1-4 . A few times the upgrade script ran into errors, but I was able to find solutions in this forum, fixed the error as suggested, and re-run the upgrade again - no problem. But this time I got a new error, and I can not find solution any where so I hope you can point me or give suggestion of what to do to overcome this error so that I an continue the upgrade.
“ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: Data too long for column ‘url_path’ at row 2”
In context:
The closest post that I can find to help me understanding this error is below url, but I cannot still come up with a solution.
So, the url_path field in the various tables that have it is a maximum of 64 characters long. You’ll need to look in publication_settings, issue_settings, issue_galley_settings, and publication_galley_settings and find values where setting_name is pub-id::publisher-id and the length of the setting_value field for that record is longer than 64 characters. If you find any, you’ll probably have to adjust those by hand and shorten them.
Where @NateWr already wrote the queries for me my lucky day. After running the queries I have found 8 records in table “submission_galley_settings” and curated their values to less than 64 chars.
I want to note that NateWr’s query has a typo LEN instead of LENGTH such as:
SELECT galley_id FROM submission_galley_settings WHERE setting_name=“pub-id::publisher-id” AND length(setting_value) > 64;
I am now back to restoring database and re-running upgrade script, it will take a bit of time, I will post back if this fix will solve the issue before we close this ticket.