Pleaese i have tried to install the quick submit plugin from the plugin gallery i get the pop-up message “the tar command is not available… please configure it in your…” please help
Hi @David_Oguche
Did you try uploading quickSubmit plugin manually in the plugins directory ?
Or try this steps :
Download quickSubmit release here
Upload to plugins > importexport
Go to Plugin Gallery
Activate the plugin
I tried it but i kept getting pop up notice " tar command is not available please configure it in your config.ini.php"
Hi @David_Oguche ,
There are some existing forum posts that speak to how to resolve this issue, please see some of the suggestions offered in the posts here:
Hi there,
If you’ve got open_basedir enabled on your server, PHP is unable to load the commands it needs to uncompress the plugin archive file. Have a read on this thread for some ways to get around it:
An alternative is to uninstall the old plugin, uncompress the new version of the plugin locally and then FTP it to the correct spot, and reinstall it.
I see from your other post that you installed 7zip. While that may work on tar archives, it’s not the tar command that OJS needs. Try:
and be sure to update your file with the full path to the command
Hi @twa
Yes, you can untar locally and then FTP. You’ll still need to “install” the plugin if you do it that way, though since some plugins also have schemas that need to be created in the database.
Do you have shell access? OJS comes with a command line tool specifically for this purpose:
php lib/pkp/tools/installPluginVersion.php plugins/generic/yourPlugin/version.xml
Where you’d replace the path to version.xml with the correct one for your plugin. If you don’t have access yourself, perha…
Best regards,
PKP Team
August 2, 2021, 8:00am
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