Dual language journal

Hi @ojsbsb

Now Google Scholar have started to index our 2 locales, i.e. part of our articles appear there 2 times - in Ukrainian and English with appropriate linking. Think, shortly all of content will be indexed this way.

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I am sorry to say this, but as far as I remember, Google Scholar does not allow to index multilingual metadata. And it is official :frowning:

So even if you have 2 different sets of metadata on 2 URLs, their crawler either randomly picks ONE set of metadata in ANY language, or may index both, but those would be TWO DIFFERENT descriptions/publications in Google Scholar (i.e. unconnected) :weary:

So those modifications to the plugins you did might be theoretically detrimental for indexing and any SEO purposes.

I might be mistaken, but @asmecher might have discussed this issue with them.

In our case, it’s like having two distinct sites. One for each subdomain. Google Scholar indexes both separately.

It worth to note that we have made one journal title for Ukrainian and English. So if one enters our journal’s name in Google Scholar, he/she would see all of our articles from 2 locales.

Yep, something like that. But still two descriptions in two languages would remain unconnected. One journal title for Ukrainian and English should be OK, but one PDF for two metadata sets may not be OK, since the crawler would choose the metadata set it would find first. So if you have two different PDFs for those two metadata sets, that would be good too.

All meta-data an exposed on article detail page. Galleys don’t have them. Moreover, few lines of code and PDF, XML links will point to the appropriate localized galleys.

As I said, we have adopted different URLs to our locales, including links to the galleys.

It is just a matter of adding if loops to the Google Scholar plugin. As an example for the article title:

if ($subDomain == 'some_subdomain') {
            $templateMgr->addHeader('googleScholarTitle', '<meta name="citation_title" content="' . trim(htmlspecialchars($article->getTitle("uk_UA"))) . '"/>');
        } else {
            $templateMgr->addHeader('googleScholarTitle', '<meta name="citation_title" content="' . trim(htmlspecialchars($article->getTitle("en_US"))) . '"/>');

or it can be managed with AppLocale class, like below, for PDF links:

 if (is_a($article, 'PublishedArticle')) foreach ($article->getGalleys() as $galley) {
          if (is_a($galley->getFile(), 'SupplementaryFile')) continue;
          if ($galley->getFileType() == 'application/pdf') {
              if ($galley->getLocale() == AppLocale::getLocale()) {
                  $templateMgr->addHeader('googleScholarPdfUrl' . $i++, '<meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="' . $request->url(null, 'article', 'download', array($article->getBestArticleId(), $galley->getBestGalleyId())) . '"/>');
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Dear friends,
I indeed need OJS with multilingual author/user names, so I spent some amount of time to study how other multilingual field are treated. As a result, I did some modifications of the code, which allows me the following:

  1. Regiser/add/modify user with multilingual name
  2. Go through all submission process with multilingual author names
  3. Correctly show the corresponding metadata on the frontend page in the current language
  4. Search authors in different locales
  5. Provide localized names in OAI interface
    Of course, this potentially breaks other functionality (import/export, various plugins etc.) but as a starting point is quite satisfactory for my meeds.

I would be glad to share my work, but I am not sure how to do it the best way. I am not very much familiar with github, so I need an advice if my work is intersting for somebody else.

I use OJS 3.1.0


Hi @Vasyl_Ostrovskyi,

It is a great work!
In my opinion, providing a possibility to point names in a different locale (and, maybe, site-wide search for them) is just enough. Expose authors’ name, especially non-Latin (Cyrillic), to bibliographic services (through OAI/crossref etc.) isn’t the right solution because it can be confusing. It worth to point that International scientific language is English.

@Vasyl_Ostrovskyi Does your modification also have dual references? Many of Russian journals need this improvment.

@vale Not considered yet. Will see if this is easy.
Do you mean the list of references used in the paper? Why not use as in the paper?

@Vasyl_Ostrovskyi Scopus requrements

Scopus doesn’t require dual language referece list :slight_smile:

@Vitaliy Translation of the author's name - #20 by Ph_We scopus experts have other opinion

They just needed to be transliterated. But not in 2 languages.

@Vitaliy But then I get transliterated references on Russian version too. The best way, i think, is separate references like all other fields.if it’s not so hard to do I would prefer that way

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Hi all,

See also the recent discussion on the git issue: Improve author/user names · Issue #2958 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team