October 7, 2020, 11:49am
Our journal changed is name twice in the las 30 years. We added all the previous issues.
Is there a way to set up the journal name for older issues where the name of the journal is different?
We are interested to have to correct name in the cite as tab.
Hi @jnaat ,
Currently we do not support versioning of journal metadata, so for the moment, the work-around I can suggest is to create a second journal in your installation with the historical information. Unfortunately this will have some negative consequences, e.g. your issue lists in each journal will not include volumes published under the other name.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
November 20, 2020, 3:20pm
Thank you for the reply.
Meanwhile, we have noted why this topic is not finally settled yet:
opened 08:20PM - 08 May 17 UTC
closed 10:23AM - 15 Dec 21 UTC
[NISO Presentation and Identification of E-Journals (PIE-J)](http://www.niso.org… /workrooms/piej) provides best practice recommendations.
Some of these are relevant strictly to a publisher's implementation, but some are relevant to the journal publishing platform.
We should evaluate OJS's compliance with (or disagreement with) [these recommendations](http://www.niso.org/publications/rp/rp-16-2013) that are platform related:
*Retention of the original title and citation information is essential for users trying to access the original full text*
- [ ] 2.1.1 Provide the full journal title in a prominent, clear, and consistent manner on every journal content page where it is possible to control the title presentation.
- [ ] 2.1.3 Associate articles, issues, volumes, and dates within the journal title under which they were originally published. Identify all content from a former title(s) under that journal title and not the current journal title.
- [ ] 2.1.4 Construct any "Cite as" feature to use the title, volume, issue, and date under which the content was originally published.
- [ ] 2.1.5 Ensure that all outputs by the publisher or provider use the journal title and other identifying citation information under which the content was originally published.
*Users appreciate as full a journal title history as possible to show clear relationships such as previous or later titles*
- [ ] 2.2.4 Provide a journal title history. Include the full journal title, publication date range, and ISSN for the current title and at last the immediately preceding and/or succeeding titles, as appropriate.
*Accurate and complete presentation of the ISSN enables user access via linking services and facilitates library identification and management of e-journals*
- [ ] 2.3.3 Show all ISSNs for a title and specify the format for each.
*To preserve the history of a journal and the individuals who were involved in editing it, certain vital facts should always be included on the website and retained over time so that content can be interpreted in context.*
- [ ] 2.5.1 Provide an "About the Journal" or "Journal Information" page that covers vital identifying facts including: editors and editorial board members, ISSN, publisher names (and places), sponsoring or responsible bodies, scope and purpose, publication frequencies, publication or copyright dates, masthead information, errata and retraction policies, and, if applicable, other pertinent information such as ethics guidelines and peer review status. Ensure that this information is retained for volumes over time.
- [ ] 2.5.2 Indicate clearly on a journal's website that a journal title history exists and provide appropriate links.
I have just managed to import 70 volumes of past issues into OJS. It worked well (mostly), but now someone has pointed out that some of the older volumes were actually published when the journal was under a different name. I’ve updated the descriptions and titles for these volumes, but that the current journal title is still present in the citation and search results. The journal has gone through a few name changes in its 70 odd years.
Is there any way to change the journal name for individual …