Our journal based on OJS 3.1.2 version and default language is russian. In database is set contactName.
But in some reason first symbol of contactName replaces with “V” symbol in emails. For example “Сергей” will be “Vергей”.
I detect that this problem related with autogenerated file cashe/fc-journalSettings-1.php
How can I solve this problem?
Hi @11124,
Hmm, that’s very odd; do you see a discrepancy between what’s in the cache
folder and what appears in the journal_settings
table in the database?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, @asmecher
Yes, in my database contactName value is ‘Заалишвили’, but in cashe folder in file fc-journalSettings-1.php ‘contactName’ => ‘V—аалишвили’
I also tried to set two spaces in the begin of text, and first of them also replaces by V sybmol
Hi @11124,
Can you check whether the text editor you’re using supports UTF-8? I suspect it’s loaded the file using the Latin1 encoding or something similar.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, @asmecher
I’m use Notepad++ and when I set UTF-8 charset, I can see this line
‘contactName’ => 'Vаалишвили ’
Hi @11124,
Hmm, very strange. Do you see this behaviour in other settings areas, or just that field?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
No, problem is just with that field
Hi @11124,
Unfortunately I can’t replicate that behaviour, either with OJS 3.1.2 or 3.2.0. I think you’ll have to narrow down where the weird data is being introduced. Can you check your web browser’s inspection tools to see what character is used when you submit the contact information form to the server?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Does anyone solved the problem with Cyrillic symbols? After upgrading to OJS for some letter we have only symbols ‘’?’’. Manually cannot change it. After saving the letter again change to ?. I tried to find similar posts, but cannot find it.
Hi @Lazar_Stosic,
This is an older thread, and although related, refers to the use of OJS 3.1 (which PKP no longer provides support here for on the forum). Could you please create a new post, describing your issue in more detail (perhaps with some screenshots) and linking back to this post as well.
Thank you,
PKP Team